Será realizado em Poznan, no dia 06 de junho de 2015, o evento mais importante na história do futebol de mesa da Polônia.
Pela primeira vez, a Polônia sediará um evento internacional com atletas da Geórgia, Catalunha e Hungria. Nessa oportunidade serão apresentados os sistemas de jogo desses países quando se espera mostrar que, apesar das diferenças, todos podem trabalhar juntos para o bem comum! O torneio será disputado na regra dos poloneses.
No Museu dos Botões os participantes terão a oportunidade única de ver valiosas coleções de botões e falar com um homem extraordinário que é o curador Jacek Rutkowski.
10:00 – 10:30 – Cerimônia de Abertura,
10:30 – 12:30 – Rodada Eliminatória,
12:30 – 14:30 – Demonstração dos sistemas Georgiano, Húngaro e Catalão,
14:30 – 15:30 – Intervalo,
15:30 – 15:50 – Quartas de Final,
16:00 – 16:20 – Semi finais,
16:30 – 17:00 – Final e Término do Torneio.
Durante a primeira parte do torneio 10:30-14:30 será possível visitar o museu de botões com um guia.
Confira, em inglês, a história resumida do futebol de mesa na Polônia:
History of Buttonball in Poznan dates back to the second half of the 20th century. In 1977 two 9-year-old boys bent down over a carpet and played the first button match. In this 90 minutes long game, Krzys Nowotny, the creator of buttonball idea, defeated Jakub Kruger 15-4 . Over the next years the boys improved the rules and organized buttonball matches which attracted their friends.
Finally, at the beginning of the 1990s, all the rules were put together and saved in Buttonball Regulations by Jakub Kruger and Buttonball Fan Association, informal organization, was founded.
Buttonball is similar to football, where a 2mx1m carpet is the equivalent of a pitch and buttons are the footballers (buttonballers in fact). The match lasts 10 minutes without a break and the ball is a 14mm diameter large bead. The players snap buttons like caps. They do it by turns. A buttonballer can be any button originally produced for tailoring or decoration; self-made buttons are forbidden.
In 1992, 10 players took part in the first Buttonball World Cup. The first buttonball champion was Jakub Kruger, who defeated Krzysztof Nowotny 3-0 . Since then, the annual world championship tournament had become the most important event in the world of Polish buttonballers.
Since 1997, thanks to Tomasz Adamski’s idea, Buttonball World Cup have taken place in a Poznan University center in Zielonka near Poznan. So far, 20 championship tournaments were organized, in which 48 buttonballers aged 7 to 47 took part.
In 2000 a group from Lubon, with Tomasz Dabkiewicz at the helm, joined TMGG and introduced their original way of playing. They quickly adapted to the TMGG system and have been the favourites to win tournaments until now.
Since 2004, Jakub Kruger has been leading buttonball workshops for children under 13 in the “Lejery” primary school in Poznan. Also, TMGG (Buttonball Fan Association) organizes World Youth Championships for children under 13.
TMGG has been cooperating with the Museum of Buttons in Lowicz since 1997. It is also a patron of sport buttons’ section. In 2002 we carried out the “Magellan” action together, which was a button’s lonely trip around the world by registered letters. Unfortunately, the idea resulted in failure. After visiting eight countries the button disappeared.
Several times TMGG organized “A Lonely Button’s Ballon Flight”, setting in 2003 a record of flying 405 km in a straight line from Zielonka near Poznan to Nowa Wies near Limanowa.
Text: Jakub Kruger
Fonte: Piłka Guzikowa